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How to login to your website

Your website is built on a powerful system that allows you to make changes without having to write code. This is called a “content management system,” and to access it and make changes to your website, you have to log in.

Step 1: Type your URL into the address bar followed by /wp-admin

For example, if your website was located at, you would type

After you’ve typed in the correct URL, press Enter and you will arrive at a page that asks you for a username and a password.

Step 2: Log in

Enter the username and password given to you by your designer. Click “login”

Additional Notes

Logging into your website is something you’ll need to do each time you want to make edits.  If you have trouble remembering to type “/wp- admin”, take the time to bookmark the page in your browser.

If you’re still having trouble locating the login page for your website, contact your web designer and ask them to send you the link to log into your site. After you receive it, bookmark the page for future reference.

How to log out?

If you are currently logged in, there will be a black bar running along the top of your page. Find the text on the right that says words similar to, “Howdy, YourName!” and hover over it. Then, click Log Out.

How to Change your password?

If you are currently logged in, there will be a black bar running along the top of your page. Find the text on the right that says something like, “Howdy, YourName!” and hover over it. Then, click Edit My Profile. Scroll to the bottom of the page, find the Account Management section and click the grey Generate Password button. Now, just type in the password you want, and click the blue Update Profile button at the bottom of the page.

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