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Sharing content via Buffer

Step 1: Select the social media channel

Under ‘Accounts’ in the left hand navigation, select the social media channel you wish to post on.


Step 2: Select ‘Content’ tab

Ensure the Content tab along the top of the page is selected.


Step 3: Preparing to add your post content

Click into the field which says ‘What do you want to share?’ – this will expand the field and additional functions will appear. The highlighted icons in this box show which platform you are posting to. Icons which are greyed out are available, but not selected so posts will not appear there.

Rather than add the same post to all platforms, we recommend that you tailor your copy to the platform – so different posts for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.


Step 4: Input the post copy

Enter your post copy.

Be aware of platforms that have character limits (eg Twitter), Buffer will indicate if you have gone over the limit for the channel selected.


Step 5: Adding an image

If you are using an image, click on the ‘add photos’ button, and select the image you wish to use. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the image onto the camera icon.

Don’t forget to make sure images are optimised for the platform in question.

If your post has a link, then the image will be added automatically from those available on the page you are linking to – read on to the next step for more detail!


Step 6: Adding a link

Enter the URL in the box.

You’ll be offered the images which Buffer pulls from the page in the link to include with the post – select an image from the carousel which will appear in the bottom right of the box (highlighted in screengrab).

If you are adding a link, make sure you are still within the character limit of the post (if relevant).


Step 7: Decide when you want the post to be published

You’re ready to publish.

Decide when you want this post to go live, then click on the arrow to the right hand side of the ‘Add to queue’ button.

Select whether to share now, share next or to schedule the tweet to go live at a specific time in future.


Step 8: View your calendar

You’re done!

You can view the posts you’ve added either as a queue, which is the default and will show the posts for the selected channel in the order they are due to go out, or in calendar view.

To go to the calendar view, click on ‘calendar’ in the toggle button to the right of the post entry field (highlighted in screengrab).


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